
Moanday, Moanday!

Perhaps it isn't at all ironic that Sara's meme tag came after nearly 24 hours straight of moaning and complaining as I had to prepare our home for termite fumigation (I only slept a few hours last night and just grabbed the last few belongings as they were posting the DO NOT ENTER signs on our door....). So I am now sitting cross-leg on the questionably clean carpet in a temporary apartment and watching "The Belle of Amherst" on DVD as I try to calm the kitties down a bit. They have never lived anywhere besides our place and (poor things) Toby won't even come out from under one of the beds for tuna. Ellycat has glued herself to my side as if to let me know that she knows no vet will come after her in the place of strange smells & sounds as long as I am nearby. Once the kitties calm down a bit they will be delighted to learn that there is a nest on the eaves of the backporch here with the sweetest little orange-throated finch-looking birdies chirping up a storm.

The Moaning Meme
5 people who will be annoyed you tagged them.

-John & Miko
But to everyone else, consider yourself tagged and please play along!

4 things that should go into room 101 and be removed from the face of the earth.

-Packing for moving.
We had to to a mini-packing this week (all food, toiletries, and catstuff and anything we needed to survive in a bare-bones apartment) to prepare for the tenting & termite fumigation. Pain.

Really. And any activity done with the intent to harm another person or creature.

'Nuff said.

-Body Odor
There are good body smells and bad body smells. I'm talking about the bad ones.

Yah, duh. And while we're at it we can just eliminate disease in general. (Note: I know this is #5 on my list of 4 things, but I'm not much of a rule-follower...)

3 things people do that make you want to shake them violently. (Ok, really I can't think of wanting to shake anyone badly, so I'm playing along in the spirit of the meme if not literally)

-parents or teachers talking smack to little kids
-praise for our current presidential regime
-folks who voluntarily join the military (and the corrupt gov't who sends them on fighting missions)

2 things you find yourself moaning about.

-dictatorial community garden members
-health insurance woes

1 thing the above answers tell you about yourself.

-I'm quite sure that my opinions are correct and that everyone else should acknowledge my wisdom.


Anonymous said...

That is kind of mean Jana….I am trying to get ready for my trip and am now playing instead….

4 things that should go into room 101 and be removed from the face of the earth.
1. Cruelty-I hate when people are unkind to others, but especially when they are cruel
2. Pain-I hate pain, physical, emotional or spiritual. I know there is growth and learning but it really sucks to be there.
3. Hunger-no one should go hungry because there is enough in the world for everyone if only all of us selfish people would do more.
4. Selfishness-I know I am guilty of it, but so many people suffer because of it.

3 things people do that make you want to shake them violently. (Ok, really I can't think of wanting to shake anyone badly, so I'm playing along in the spirit of the meme if not literally)

1. People who assume they know what I want or need without talking to me. This happens a lot in my family.
2. People who have plastic surgery (not reconstructive) and then think they haven’t objectified themselves and others. The newest surgery gaining claim is vaginal surgery to make your labia look better. Does anyone else see a problem here?
3. Men who treat women as sex objects and then complain when those women want a man who makes a lot of money. Women who treat men as banks and get mad that men treat them as sex objects.

2 things you find yourself moaning about.

1. Working a billion extra hours to prepare for vacation and knowing I will do the same when I get back after being gone a week. It seems to defeat the point of vacation.
2. People at work. If you hate your job everyday then quit and get a new one-stop complaining to me every day about dumb stuff. Really.

1 thing the above answers tell you about yourself
-Stupid people annoy me, as does being superficial and that I really need this vacation to Hawaii so I don’t kill anyone.

SoCalSingleMama said...

LOL. :-) Thanks Jana and Tanya Sue! Those were great - insightful and funny at the same time.

Tanya Sue - have TONS OF FUN in Hawaii! I hope I'll get to see pictures sometime!

Anonymous said...

Termite fumigation! Oh, no!

I'm so happy to have given you an opportunity to vent. Also, I highly respect the disinclination to follow rules to the letter.

Thank you for playing along! :)