

a proud papa, originally uploaded by pilgrimgirl.

As I mentioned a few blogposts ago, my #genderd experiment is tomorrow! What I didn't know when I rather randomly chose Sept 1 as the date for this experiment, was that it would involve the celebration of my wedding anniversary.

September 2nd is official 18th anniversary of the day I agreed to tie my life to John's, but we'll be doing part of our celebrating on the 1st. Which means that my tweets might end a bit earlier in the day than I'd originally planned (ahem).

So as a bit of an advance on the actual #genderd, this evening I'm posting this picture of John from not-quite 18 years ago. It was taken the day we brought our son home from the hospital, and it shows an aspect of John that I've adored over the years: he is an excellent parent to our children. And while various gendered expectations for men in our society might prescribe a role of a passive or an authoritarian parent, he is neither of those.


Tanya said...

Having more recently than 18 years ago brought three of my own children home from the hospital with a caring, loving, gentle, and thoroughly engaged father who held them early and often, I know that look and I love this picture. With a start like this, I am interested to see what comes from the rest of the day. Happy anniversary!

SoCalSingleMama said...

We have always thought you two were excellent examples of how parents should be! Which is an especially big compliment considering how YOUNG John looks in this picture - almost more like an older brother than father!

Judy Jeute said...

I blogged about your experiment today. I'm not sure if it really fits in, but it was a story that was too cut not to share, and it reminded me of this experiment...