Occasionally and when I think no one's looking, I'll take a roll down a hill. There's such a thrill in letting momentum take over. And then when I'm done, I just lie around for awhile, enjoying the way the world keeps on spinning even when I'm not.

What about you, what do you do when no one's looking?
PS: Any guesses as to what item is hanging out of my hoodie pocket in the bottom pic?? You can see a larger version here.
when no one is looking i like to lick the bowl... especially when it's whipped cream.
I love rolling down hills! Of course, here in Florida there are no hills [sigh]. But sometimes I'm on vacation in places where they have hills! Hills on golf courses are especially great -- well-manicured grass. I don't play golf, so rolling down the hills is the only use I have for a gold course. As long as it has hills.
I haven't rolled down a hill in quite a while. I should correct that situation—I used to love it.
Any guesses as to what item is hanging out of my hoodie pocket in the bottom pic??A tea canister?
A packet of crackers?
What fun! I particularly like rolling down snowy slopes.
My theory is that you have a sheaf of rolled up papers in your pocket- hopefully nothing that you are about to grade!
This weekend I saw Heidi Latsky's dance and performance art production, GIMP, at the Institute for Contemporary Art. It features a formidable cast of performers with and without disabilities. One of the dance pieces was called "Rolling," in which the dancers roll with abandon, each in their own way.
When no one is looking, I press the buttons on all the toys that make noise in the toy aisle. Of course, it makes such a racket that people look then. But, it's fun, I suppose because I wasn't allowed to do that when I was young.
And I do love a good roll down a hill. I haven't done that in a long time. I think the last time was once when I was at the Page Museum next to the La Brea Tar Pits and the L.A. County Art Museum. There was a very nice hill to roll down there.
You know, now I'm going to have to go looking for a hill to roll down.
It's a TJS pocket tissue back, which you might certainly need after rolling down a hill and getting grass up your nose.
I did it too this year, but my arms were in a weird position when I started rolling so it kind of hurt a lot.
I go with the anonymous person who said they lick the bowl. Usually when no one is looking I taste the things I am making...
Oh, I lick the bowl even when everyone _is_ looking! :)
Let's see...so I'd say that Sean and Gray were the closest with their guesses. I did have one piece of folded up paper in the pocket. But the thing that you can just barely see (it's bright red) is a small packet of sour gummy tape that John bought for me. Although I typically eschew candy--esp the artificial flavored and colored kind....sour gummies are my one weakness. And this was Easter and seemed a good time for an indulgence.
And, in case you're interested, a previous post about sour gummies.
I'm so jealous that you saw GIMP! It looked amazing!
Yes, GIMP was extraordinary. The website is thegimpproject.com It is an intermittent traveling show, so readers should check the site now and then if they wish to see it some day.
The beginning of the show was performed oudoors at sunset, on the edge of Boston harbor. It was the first really warm evening of the year. My wife and I and our mobility-challenged friends won't forget that evening.
What an inspiring post. It made me smile to see you rolling down the hill. I need to start doing fun things when people aren't looking - the only things that come to mind are napping in the garden while taking a break from weeding, and eating Chef Boyardee canned ravioli for dinner. (I'm 42 and was deprived of the Chef as a kid.) :)
Mmmmm, Rebecca G...I love the Chef's canned ravioli. I think I have a can in the cupboard. Maybe that's what I'll have for lunch.
hmm, looks like SOMEONE saw you rolling down the hill. :)
me, I have intense vocal conversations with myself with no one else is around. Except I am starting to slip and do that even when other people are around.
may get myself put in a padded cell one of these days...
when nobody's looking, I sometimes walk like a supermodel, but even more secretly, I dance like a 60's cage dancer in a club, shadowy image on the wall. I love it, and just recently I found out my 70 year old neighbor behind me does too. Ew.
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