
Make me smile...

John & kids met a bunch of new folks at Friend D's birthday party this afternoon. When John was introduced to them he learned that said folks had already been to our house...at a party when we were out of town and our Friends were cat-sitting for us!

Me, I'm glad to know that our Friends took me seriously when I said mi casa et su casa. And I'm just hoping that I remembered to clean the bathroom well before we left town!


Anonymous said...

It wasn't exactly a party. They just had their game night there, because they usually have it somewhere at UCI anyway. But I did make a cake, so maybe that made it a party. =)

I am not sure why I hadn't told you this before. The cats came out a visited the guys while they were there, and the bathroom was fine, so thanks for letting us use your place.

jana said...

You probably did tell me and I just forgot in the meantime! :)