
the road of human tenderness

These lines were penned by the first Quaker Nobel Peace Prize winner, Emily Greene Balch, who won the award in 1946:
Let us be patient with one another,
And even patient with ourselves.
We have a long, long way to go.
So let us hasten along the road,
The road of human tenderness and generosity.
Groping, we may find one another's hands in the dark

As a historical note, Quakers have been awarded the Peace Prize multiple times:

1977 Amnesty International (founded by Quakers)
1947 Friends Service Council, American Friends Service Committee (both are Quaker organizations)
Though she was raised Quaker, she later became Presbyterian:
1931 Jane Addams

There may be other Quaker Peace Prize winners that I'm not aware of....do let me know if I've missed any.

Oh, and how do you feel about Al Gore's award? You can weigh in over at John's blog.

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