

Lap of Luxury., originally uploaded by mind on fire.

Because EllyCat is THE QUEEN around here, and she knows it oh-so-well.

I am reading Assassination Vacation right now. Can I just say that I feel like I've made a new friend who loves the ghoulish bits of the past maybe even as much as I do? Her visit to the Army Medical Museum (or whatever it's called nowadays) made me so jealous that I had to physically restrain myself from not scrawling on the copy of this book that my Friend loaned to me. That is MY MUSEUM--even thought I've never been there and have just fantasized intensely about the day I'll actually get to visit.

People, Sarah Vowell is one of my people. And it's so comforting to know that I'm not alone in this big, dark, history-apathetic world....

And to Johnw/H: you rock. Thank you for loaning me just the right books at just the right times....


John White said...

I totally rock. Can you believe I got that book for my birthday in 2006 and didn't even start for 11 months?! Sarah Vowell is the awesome.

Still haven't read The Omnivore's Dilemma, have you?!

jana said...

I finished it last night and let me just tell you that it was totally worth putting everything else aside for. That good. And that in line with my own macabre tendencies.

I might not return it tonite because I've got to blog about it a bit. I might also just have to buy me a copy because she covers a lot of similar territory to what I'm doing.

jana said...

As for OV, you haven't loaned it to me yet!

Anonymous said...

I loved Assassination Vacation. And I love Sarah Vowell. I always feel like I know her, and she's talking just to me the way that one of my closest friends might.

Also, have you noticed how dark-haired cats particularly like sleeping on light-colored fabrics, and vice versa?

John White said...

Not to be missed: Sarah Vowell at 21:56 of Episode 239 of This American Life, "Lost in America," discussing the sordid history of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic."

"You are the public in public hanging." (30:20)