
I has facebook

So John's been doing this FaceBook thing so I decided to join up and do a bit of 'social networking' myself. Interesting stuff. It seems a bit more like LiveJournal than blogging--lots of party pics and random brief comments. Not very substantive unless you take the time to add a bunch of bells&whistles to your profile page. I'm not sure how much it's good for other than just a means for seeing how many friends one has who are themselves FaceBooked. Am I missing something here?

Anyways, so if you use FaceBook, let's be friends. :)


Philip. said...

I've never really looked at facebook. Must go and see what all the fuss is about.

Frozen Okie said...

I got on facebook when I went back to college to finally finsih my degree. While facebook's changed a little- i think the thought that it was designed for and is mostly used by college students makes it's purpose much clearer.

Beyond being a place to post pictures of the debauchery undertaken by one and one's friends, it makes it easy to keep up with casual friends and with many different groups and organizations, and to find groups in which you would be interested.

Need former tests for a class you are taking? Just send a message or write on the wall of all your "friends" (read casual acquaintances) who are in your program/major. throwing a party? Just create an event on facebook and invite everyone you know through there in one fell swoop. Working on a local campaign? Put up info on it and ask for help from the young democrats/college republicans and any special interest group that would likely support that candidate.

It's a place to not only record in pictures social events, but to facilitate the promotion of events before they happen.

John White said...

It was incubated as a college-oriented site, but looks to be moving towards a more generic social-networking site. So it's good for all the things you can use social networking for. But you can still see the college roots.

So much better than MySpace.

SoCalSingleMama said...

I don't use any of the bells and whistles, but I like facebook because I've connected with several old friends. I think it's better for old friends than new ones - people I knew in high school or college and was able to get back in touch with through the site.