
if this is you...

If you are looking at your left foot and realizing that your smallest toes are the same color as the purple chair that you are sitting on (having dully tripped on a chairleg and broken and/or horribly sprained those particular toes yesterday), and you are feeling glad that you were able to wear a shoe for long enough to teach and do some overdue paperwork this morning (fortunately it was the last day of classes and few students cared about staying after the Final Review Sheet was handed out), you are also feeling pleased that this afternoon you could finish your shade garden planting project on the back porch (while sitting down, foot elevated), and that John can attend CatGirl's school event in your stead tonite. You are feeling worried because you have an appointment to get your snappy Reader's badge at the Huntington Library tomorrow morning and know that will involve more than a bit of walking and you don't want to cancel because you've been anticipating this event for years (plus you have a ride up with a friend and the drive promises some great grad-student gossipy conversation). Well, if this is you, I suggest that you have GameBoy work on dinner (portobello mushroom ravioli in a butternut squash sauce-yum!)while you sit here a moment with your feet up. Take a deep breath and realize the peace that you've been feeling since you tripped yesterday and you've been forced to move a little slower. And remember that slow can be very good...and then have a spot of tea w/milk in your favorite mug and...just breathe. :)


Brooke said...

Ouch. I'm glad you are looking at the positive. You are amazing, Jana. And if there are any leftovers, send them my way!

Anonymous said...

My mother was a reader at the Huntington. She took me there often as a child. I feel I practically grew up there. It's changed a bit over the years, and I will probably never get back there now, but in memory it will always be one of my favorite places on earth.

They don't give privileges to just anyone. Enjoy.

Sorry about your toes. Youch.

Anonymous said...

That dinner that Gameboy is working on sounds amazing.

Is there a written recipe?

jana said...

I had this little thrill run up my spine as I rad your note and realized that someday my kids may be saying the same thing about me--that I was a "reader at the Huntington" and that they spent many hours there as children. My kids aren't so little anymore, but through our annual memberships the Huntington has become one of our very favorite places already. :)

Note: I did delay my appt by 10 days so I could lay around and be lazy all day today. Crossing my fingers for no major injuries between now and then....

jana said...

It's our favorite 'fast food' recipe:
1) Cook fresh portobello mushroom ravioli from TJ's (I also add a pkg of 3-cheese ravioli for GameBoy who's not keen on 'shrooms)
2) After cooked to al dente stage, drain the water and pour in a 'box' of TJ's butternut squash soup. If I want to serve the pasta as a soup then I add a cup of veggie broth and heat it through. If I want to serve the pasta w/sauce, then I boil down the soup a bit (does this make any sense?)
3) Serve sprinkled with hand-grated parmesan and some shredded fresh basil leaves for garnish. A handful of toasted pinenuts also tastes pretty good on top. I usually add a huge salad on the side, too.
This dish is _very_ filling, so it doesn't take much to make you feel quite satisfied. It's more of a winter meal than a summer one because of the squash and it's richness, but because I'm not making it from scratch, it's easy to do year-round.
Note: I do prefer cooking from scratch and cooking seasonally. But when one's toes are broken, one must resort to meals that are fast & easy!! :)