
it's a small world

it's a small world, originally uploaded by pilgrimgirl.

Picture: closeup photo of the inside of a poppy with a small black beetle.

Saw lots of bugs and critters at the garden today, including this little fellow who was chillin' in the cup of a poppy flower.


Anonymous said...

Such a great picture!

I have had my camera since January, and I just figured out that in order to get a really good close-up (even with the macro setting on) I have to set my camera to a certain focus setting. I was excited when I finally figured it out, but my close-ups never turn out anywhere near as good as yours do. I guess some camera are better than others for certain things.

I love your photos. When I pull up your blog and see them it always makes me want to commit to making sure that I get some camera time in my weekend.

jana said...

The irony of my photo-taking is that I can't "see" very few of the pictures until I get home and view them on my computer, as the viewing panel in my camera just isn't visible when I'm outside standing in the sun. So shooting good photos is really pure serendipity. And I take a lot of them (like 75 or so) to get about 10 that I really like.

FWIW, I _love_ your photos. We should get together and share our expertise with each other sometime!

jana said...

Geez, it's really too early in the morning. That first sentence on my last comments makes no sense at all. Hopefully you get the gist anyways.

C. L. Hanson said...

My first thought when I saw this was that it was the Flying Spaghetti Monster. He miraculously appears in the most amazing places!!! You could send this photo in to the church of the FSM as a lark... ;^)

But seriously, it's a beautiful photo!!!