1. What is your favorite color?
Ack, I'm just not good at favorite questions! I like every color! I have a new yoga top that's orange and it makes me feel powerful. Right now I'm eating red strawberries and they are as tasty as they are beautiful. Today CatGirl is wearing her favorite all-green outfit and she is adorable. My kitties: B&W and shady-gray are just about the loveliest things ever. And in clothes I'm particularly enjoying wearing a rich cocoa-y brown. It's a bit softer than wearing black and it hides the garden dirt well. :)
2. If you could travel back through time and view any moment, what would it be? And why?
In my mind I already live in the nineteenth century. It'd be nice to actually experience it for myself sometime. I think I'd like to time-travel to Nauvoo, IL in its heyday.
3. Name a favorite Evanescence song and a favorite Sarah McLachlan song, and tell why they are favorites.
Evanescence--"My Immortal"
Sarah McLachlan--"Wear Your Love Like Heaven"
I like just about all of the songs by these artists, but I'll say the two above just to narrow it down a bit. I like these songs because I never tire of listening to them and they take me to a more beautiful place when I hear them.
4. What is something you liked about growing up in Oklahoma that you miss now living in Southern California?
Fireflies. We saw some on our trip to North Carolina last summer and it was such a thrill to share them (finally) with my kids. It was dusk and we were sitting in a plaza on the UNC campus and watching them wink in and out of the hedges. So magical!
5. You just finished your Ph.D. qualifying exams! What are you going to do next?
I'm spending a bunch of time in my garden right now, also cleaning house (yuck), spending lots of time with friends, dreaming about the future, kissing my cats on their noses and rubbing their tummies, and reading for pleasure (Just started The Architect of Desire
If you want to play along with this meme:
1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.” If I don’t have your email address, leave it for me in the comments or email it to me at phddillyatyahoo dawtcom.
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Fun meme, and nice answers.
Interview me!
Sounds like a lot of fun! Interview me.
great answers, jana! thanks for playing along!
(i think the only fireflies i've ever seen are at Disneyland ...)
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is a great book. We should talk about it when you finish. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did.
I'm game.
Interview me!
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