
The $15,000 question...

A little advice here folks...
So if you had these choices, what would you choose?*
1) Get a short-term fix of your knee that would be warranteed for 90 days. Pricetag: $4000
2) Get a longer-term fix of your knee. Almost everything replaced. Warranteed for one year. Price: $10-12,000
3) Get a new knee with all the fancy new bells & whistles. Including a remote control device (I am so not kidding on that). With a 3-year warranty. Cost: $15,000

Allright, so I think option #2 is the dumb one. Which makes it #1 or #3. A few more details: I hate the thought of using a mostly-broken down knee, as my leg is only as good as my knee. Last time I had a bad fall (my robot knee doing what it wasn't supposed to), I was off of my feet for nearly 6 months and I had to undergo several months of physical therapy after that. I still can't kneel well because of the chronic bursitis that resulted from the fall.

So I feel like a functional, trustworthy leg is a pretty high priority. But at such a price!!

And let me add a brief whine to this post: I've been wearing a "loaner" knee for two months now, while mine's been in the shop (yah, they're way behind in repairs because of the influx of Iraq war amputees). Can I just say how anxious I am to get this resolved and get back on my own two feet again???

*Note to my new readers (hiya folks!). My leg was amputated 20 years ago after a bout with bone cancer. Just FYI. :)


Anonymous said...

So Jana-- you have to pay for this? Insurance doesn't cover any of it?

jana said...

One can hope that they will, but they aren't particularly fond of coughing up such large sums of money every few years....

Anonymous said...

Oh Jana, go for broke. You are so worth it! #3 all the way... Your family will not resent the choice, I'm quite sure of that.

SoCalSingleMama said...

That's tough - I want to agree with Rich, because you ARE worth it and a knee is a very, very important thing. But at the same time, I know that if I were in your position, I'd be debating the same issue. The thought of dropping $15K would have the potential to scare me into option #1 - but the idealist in me says choose option #3.

gs said...

I had a little altercation with the front end of a car about thirty years ago, and while I still have my leg, it was damaged to the point where I keenly appreciate how important it is to be able to trust one's knees. Please, please consider #3. You deserve it.

jana said...

An update on this old thread:
Just got the word from the insurance co. They aren't willing to pay for either the repair or a new knee. Damn. :(

Kay Olson said...

I have to ask: Just where are you supposed to be standing while using the remote control on your leg?

jana said...

Good Question! The remote changes the modes of the knee for different activities. So you can switch from walking to biking mode at the touch of a button. To change modes with my current knee I have to bounce hard on my toe three times and then lift my foot behind me to change the mode. It's hard to do (to bounce and balance like that) and it'a ridiculous thing to do in a public space like a gym. But I can't change the mode like say, in the restroom, and then walk to the biking area because I can't walk on it in bike mode. Thus, the remote could really come in handy. Altho, to be honest, it's just an 'extra' and not a necessity at all. I'd love to have a new microprocessor knee w/o the remote if the insurance would just cover it....

Kay Olson said...

Okay, that makes sense. I had this visual of you sitting on the sofa and the leg dancing around the living room on its own or something.