
Flash Poetry: An Ode to the return of Black Leggings

It's been awhile since I've posted some flash poetry (So the challenge is, to set a timer and write a poem in 5 minutes). :)

The irony: when I was an undergrad, I wore black leggings, too,
when I was dating Greg and dreaming of John (who was in Japan).

And when I see them on my students, I am that girl in the leggings and the bright-colored XL Gap tee (that I later wore during my maternity years).

These students of mine, they don’t know that I once wore black leggings.
As I stand in front of the class, teaching them. About history.


Bored in Vernal said...

Bard Braves the Challenge in a Flash

The poet emerges at a moment's blaze;
Angst-filled, to spew reflections on the page:
Memoir, confession, diary or diatribe warm;
Penned, handwritten, typed, in cyberform;
It mattereth not-the words fly strong and true
From deep within her being unto you.

jana said...

BiV: I love this poem, especially the last line! Isn't flash poetry fun? :)

Bored in Vernal said...

It was soooo much fun!
Aren't there any more takers?