
make me smile...

-"Studying" at the Gypsy Den after Meeting: speaking of death, of school, of pursuing one's dreams.
-A free ticket to the PSO. Lucky me that I keep running into people with spare tickets. The absolute bliss of a seat so close to the orchestra that I could reach out and catch the sweat as it dripped off of violinist Cho-Liang Lin's brow. Absolutely amazing, breathtaking, heart-stopping, and gorgeous. As Carl St. Clair explained so eloquently just before the concert, this Brahms concerto was rich and full-bodied like good chocolate. And he was oh-so-right.
-Focusing on school. Again. Intensely reading in coffeeshops, the grad reading room, my office. Remembering why it is that I am pursuing this crazy dream of a PhD.
-Riding my bike home from school last night. So cold that my eyes were tearing, my whole body shaking. Walking in the house and expressing gratitude for a warm hearth.
-a new box of mikan oranges in the mail from my mother-in-law.
-finding this site and giggling at the misfortune of cats who look like hitler (click on the 'best kitlers' tab on the left to see those with the closest resemblance).

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