to loosen my heart...
- melanie said...
I often think the same thing when the wind is hitting my face just right as I ride my bike down a particular Parkway. I couldn't trade those moments of bliss- moment when I feel the most infinite- for fear.
6:19 AM
- galen dara said...
that poem reminds me a bit of jack london's credo: "I'd rather be ashes than dust..."
things like this are sobering. The idea that death happens, even in the most unexpected times and places, even when nothing risky is being done, it happens.
There's a bit of grace involved in just accepting that and continuing to live. -
9:59 AM
- Anonymous said...
I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail.
Yes, I would.
If I could,
I surely would.
I'd rather be a hammer than a nail.
Yes, I would.
If I only could,
I surely would.
Away, I'd rather sail away
Like a swan that's here and gone.
A man gets tied up to the ground.
He gives the world
Its saddest sound,
Its saddest sound.
I'd rather be a forest than a street.
Yes, I would.
If I could,
I surely would.
I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet.
Yes, I would.
If I only could,
I surely would. -
6:40 PM
- Rah said...
Love the quotation! Lots of grist for meditation today. BTW, good wishes on your dissertation. I remember days when dissertation was the carpet on my living room floor, when my vision was blurred and when random phrases from the dissertation would appear on the inside of my eyelids when I lay down to (attempt to) sleep. Cheers from here!
9:39 AM