
walking, in winter

a park, in winter, originally uploaded by pilgrimgirl.

Yesterday was the first day since I've been in Denver that it was warm enough for a long stroll outside. So I found a park and went a-wandering with camera in hand. It felt so good to be in connection with the natural world again. After a few days indoors I'm so hungry to walk with plants and rocks and trees.

Soon, I will be blogging about all I've learned and experienced during this trip. But right now I'm still trying to make sense of it, to continue living in the moment of new & unfamiliar spaces. Sometimes it takes so much work to be open that it's hard to even put chronology and perspective on all the happenings of each day. The intensity eclipses the meaning of each individual moment. For now. Until I have the time to sift through my memories and write.


angela said...

finding the messages you left behind, left me with a smile on my face... i thank you for that.

and as you mentioned mary oliver, all the more. how wonderful that must have been to walk along her favourite places...

she wrote words that i try to remind myself of each and every day...

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

lovely to meet you jana...


Allison Easley said...

Jana this picture is stunning. I'm in love with it. I might need a copy of it.