
I was lost...

cemetery, originally uploaded by pilgrimgirl.

In my wanderings yesterday I didn't find the beach access road that I was searching for. But when I saw a small lane called "Old Cemetery Rd," I knew I was in for a treat (maybe even a better treat than the bowl of clam chowder that I'd just finished eating?)...

I can spend hours among gravestones.

This particular cemetery was a mix of old and new. Some headstones were from the early 19th century and some were from last year. I loved them all.

Currently posting from the old-timey parlor of a Cape Cod inn. The stereo in here is belting out Beatles tunes. I am finding it very hard not to sing along, but don't want to alarm the retiree-crowd that's napping/reading newspapers in here...And in a moment I am off for another wander (this time maybe I will find the beach!) where I hope to find myself a crab dinner...

1 comment:

JohnR said...

Sounds idyllic, my love.