
so tall & strong

GameBoy's getting strong., originally uploaded by mind on fire.

GameBoy sits in the "engine room" of a coed team boat in this pic, providing the strength for the team. His favorite seat is #1, where he sets the pace for the boat--his training as a musician certainly helps him with this!

Yesterday morning I spent about an hour repairing my old rocking chair--the seat had come loose, and it was in serious danger of completely falling apart. After tightening & replacing some screws, it was working quite well, so I called GameBoy in, took him on to my lap, and reminded him of the hours we used to spend rocking together--his favorite pastime in his toddler years. I even sang a few bars of one of the lullabyes that I composed just for him. He indulged his crazy Mom & curled up in my lap despite the fact that he's just about as tall as I am these days. Back when he was a babe I could hardly imagine the day that he would be so grown up!

I couldn't be more proud of him & his sister. I am awed by their strength and beauty.


Laura ^_^ said...

Aw... that's awesome! You've raised some really great kids! <3

Rockelle said...

how old are your kids Jana?

Vajra said...

Your children are beautiful, Jana. But you knew that already...

Catgirl said...

I think seat one is actually his least favorite, as he thinks he sets too slow of a pace. I think he prefers seat two, where he calls the changes.

Just thought I'd clear that up... ;)