
signed by AFP

Had a spontaneous meetup with rockstarAmanda Palmer this afternoon (at an intimate local venue after she twittered an invitation)...

The whole experience echoed my previous experience with Amanda, but this was far more relaxed and unscripted. We stood at her feet as she played and sang, we all sat around and chatted on some couches during and after her interview with the "After Ellen" show (the episode will air in 2 weeks, we were told).

In all, it was a successful social media experience. A rockstar throws out the invitation for a meetup and John & I decided it was worth the adventure so we went.

I had her sign my prosthetic foot, so she's officially the first artist to take up the call to decorate my leg. She hardly batted an eye when I suggested that she sign my foot and everyone around us thought it an uber-cool idea. The picture didn't turn out so well, but that's what happens with spontaneity, I suppose.


PS: Amanda hugged everyone afterwards as if she were our best friend. I was a bit surprised by the familiarity at first and then just enjoyed it. It must be quite a skill to be able to treat your fans as if each one was someone that you care deeply about. Undoubtedly that is her gift--when she sings it's as if it is just you and her, and that carries through in her post-performance affability.

UPDATE: John's pic of my foot is so much better than my feeble effort...


galen dara said...

this is so awesome

Russty said...

It was so nice to be part of this event with you and your husband. Watching her sign your foot really touched my heart. Thank you for your wonderful comment on my blog and for showing me your quilts. Your wedding quilt is a thing of sheer beauty and love. I am amazed at people who still do that all by hand. It's something I hope your family treasures always.