Back in 1990 or so I wore this dress when I was a bridesmaid in a friend's wedding. I liked the dress and thought the fit was flattering. I've also always been a sucker for plaid taffeta (my fav dress as a young girl was red plaid taffeta).
Well this pic was taken in 2000, when I was still wearing this dress at least once/yr. Recently I put together some FaceBook pics of numerous formal dates on which I wore this same dress. I was pretty surprised--I hadn't realized just how much I'd liked it until I thumbed through all those old pictures!
With Ryan
With Todd
With Aaron
At Steph's wedding
So now I wonder how weird it is that I've worn this same dress for so many events? I tend to have a fairly small wardrobe of clothes that I really love. I'm not the kind of gal that gets a new dress for every occasion.
How about you? Do you have some favorite clothes that you've worn repeatedly through the years?
I do have a few things that I've worn for years; I tend to go through phases where I don't care about being trendy and other times when I purge my closet and try to "update" my wardrobe. Most of the time the updating doesn't really work and I realize that I don't care about being trendy. And I usually regret stuff that I get rid of--I still kind of miss some jumpers I got rid of a few years ago because they weren't "in" anymore. They were comfortable though, and I wish I still had them.
yep. I hold on to items of clothing I like. and usually run them to the ground before I let them go. I usually have to get rid of something because it has too many holes or stains or whatnot (I'm not the best at taking care of my clothes) after several years of constant wearing.
Your dress looks pristine. You obviously take better care of your clothes than me.
YES. I love some of my oldest wardrobe items. I have a jacket I got for Christmas when I was 16 - it was a dark charcoal grey with three large black buttons. Now it's kind of a light-ish grey with the same buttons, but I still love and wear it nonetheless. I have a couple of favorite cozy sweaters and a pair of brown boots that carry the same story...
We should have a "wear the oldest item from your closet that still fits" party.... :-)
I have a handful of things that I wear often. Then some things I bought for some event which are "perfectly good" and sort of just hanging there. I have some beautiful heels that I can't bear to give away but that I will never EVER wear again. I believe in wearing what you love.
(blogger won't accept my password for some reason)
I do! I have a "wedding" dress! I bought a tie-dyed sage green and cream frock 10 years ago at Anthrolpologie - love that store! - and I wear it to almost every wedding I attend. Luckily, all the marriages have gone well, so now it's become a little bit of a superstition among my friends: "You ARE wear the wedding dress....right?!"
I have a black wool, zip-up sweater I bought about 5 sizes too big when I was in high school. I wear it almost every day, winter and summer (when it's chilly at night) and I’ve let people borrow it. I'm pretty sure the thing in indestructible.
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