
Heather Armstrong & me (on youtube)

You can see youtube clips of the talks that Heather & I gave at the recent Sunstone Symposium [note: my trusty ol' laptop is so RAM-deficient that I can't preview either of these--can y'all let me know if they're any good?]:


Allison Easley said...

Thanks for sharing your stories, and the videos of them. I was wondering if either of you were going to put them up. I'm scarily similar to you two, in nature, in history, and in the blog world. The only difference really...is the fact that my one "true" blog, the one that told how I really feel about things...has all but been abandoned because of my non-courage to face my family on how I really feel. You give me strength.

Holla atcha girl.

catbonny said...

I cried again.
I so feel what you mean about not saving any enjoyment for heaven but enjoying your husband and kids every day like it's your last day or like there is nothing the here and now.

I feel so much more fulfilled and hopeful since life became a here and now thing rather than a 'I hope I make it to good good place when I due' thing.'

ECS said...

This is beautiful, Jana. Thanks so much for posting it.

Suddenly Sixty said...

Your story is inspirational. Thank you for exposing your pain as well as your beautiful heart.

Elan Morgan said...

You are being featured on Five Star Friday:

The Numismatist said...

Fabulous video and writings. I have been reading them for the past week.

I thought about you last week while going through airport security. My husband wears full leg braces and walks on crutches. I carry on a computer and photography gear. Also, tripods in the checked luggage so they always get searched. We cause TSA much heartburn when we travel!

Keep on writing, I'll be reading! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

You're making me sad I couldn't make it to Sunstone this year. Of course, had I been there I can't promise that I wouldn't have completely pulled focus with my sobbing and noseblowing. :)

daisies said...

wow jana, you brought tears to my eyes ... so incredibly wonderful, thank you for sharing this piece of yourself both at sunstone and here, xo