
speaking, publicly

Just wanted to let you all know that I'll be speaking at the Sunstone Symposium in Salt Lake City on Saturday, August 9th, from 4:45-6:15. The panel session, La Vida Online, will be about the blogging lifestyle.

I'm sure all of you will be coming to see me sitting on this panel and not Heather (B. Armstrong). It's not like she's the holy mother goddess of blog. It's not like she invented the self-absorbed navel-gazing rockstar online lifestyle that I imitate on a daily basis.

I think I just peed in my pants a little.


Anonymous said...

Oh, crap, this is a lifestyle now? Yikes.

(I have no idea who that other person is. I never read Dooce. Am I still allowed to blog, still allowed to participate in The Lifestyle? hahahaha)

Jessica Steed said...

If you peed in your pants because of her post today, then so did I.

Unknown said...

Excellent! Do we need tickets, or can I just show up?

jana said...

You can register online but it looks like you can only buy single session tickets at the door.

jana said...

I thought her post about the car was absolutely hilarious. Napoleon's penis, indeed! This came after a day that I spent reading an old surgical text (it was research, I swear) about penis surgeries--mostly amputations due to trauma or advanced syphilis. Yow!

Jessica Steed said...

Good to know. I haven't registered yet, but I will definitely be in your session. It sounds like a blast.