
it's a jammie day

IMG_0800, originally uploaded by pilgrimgirl.

Both CatGirl and GameBoy are feverish today. Given that I have nowhere else to be besides home with them, I've decided we will all stay in our jammies today.

We are sipping tea with honey, reading books (me, I suspect I will finally finish _Mr. Norrell and Jonathan Strange_ today--hoooray!), napping with kitties at our side, and looking forward to everyone feeling better. I am convinced that I will not get sick myself--I'm pumping myself full of healthy food. vitamins and lots of fluids. Getting plenty of rest. Doing yoga and concentrating my energy on healing the kiddoes.

I did notice that my bike ride to campus yesterday was more laborious than usual. I'm sure my body is fighting off the virus that's affecting my little ones. So I'm doing my best to insure that I can stay as healthy as possible!


Em said...


*cough cough*

Kirsten said...

Hope everyone feels better soon! We've been battling sinus gunk issues here for 2+ weeks so you can blame us down here in Texas if you'd like ;-)

Alisa said...

I've got Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel on my short to-read list (I even bought the discounted book). It would be great to hear what you think of it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you guys were sick, but I sure do love this photograph. I have come here several times just to look at it (confessed the lurker).

jana said...

I'm loving Strange/Norell. I confess that I haven't finished it yet. Dense stuff, that book. But lots of pleasure, too.

Glad to know that you're loving it!