
getting political

I didn't vote for her, but this thrilled me anyways...

"I want to thank all my friends and family, particularly my mother, who was born before women could vote, and is watching her daughter on this stage tonight."

-- Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Super Tuesday night
H/T to Salon's Broadsheet

You know what else thrilled me yesterday? Knowing that my friend Caroline was standing out in the cold (the requisite 100 ft from the polls) gathering signatures for a petition that means a lot to her. I love it when women get political! :)

1 comment:

Vajra said...

What a great quote! I support Barack Obama but I'm proud that a women is running.

I've always enjoyed voting IN PERSON. Perhaps the day will come that I won't be able to get to the polls and will have to vote by absentee ballot, but that day is not this day. As Barack says we stand on the shoulders of giants: our foremothers and forefathers who have made our lives beter.