
Just sing

In various venues I've discussed how singing aided my journey from depression.* Even given that, I don't sing as often now as I did a few years ago. I think I'm just too wrapped up in my daily busy-ness. I'm in a rut, perhaps. So I appreciated xJane's challenge last week to "Sing." As part of that I'm sharing a favorite song with you (the video follows the lyrics). I especially like the lines that I've put in bold type.

Why this song resonates with me: I think fear rules far too many of our choices. Some days we need to just break out into song, not being afraid of what others around us may think. Just letting the words rise in our throats and drip off of our lips. Gaining pleasure from the strength of our own voice...

There is this thing that's like touching except you don't touch
Back in the day it just went without saying at all
All the world's history gradually dying of shock
There is this thing it's like talking except you don't talk
You sing
You sing

Sing for the bartender sing for the janitor sing
Sing for the cameras sing for the animals sing
Sing for the children shooting the children sing
Sing for the teachers who told you that you couldn't sing
Just sing

There is thing keeping everyone's lungs and lips locked
It is called fear and it's seeing a great renaissance
After the show you can not sing wherever you want
But for now let's just pretend we're all gonna get bombed
So sing

Sing cause its obvious sing for the astronauts sing
Sing for the president sing for the terrorists sing
Sing for the soccer team sing for the janjuweed sing
Sing for the kid with the phone who refuses to sing
Just sing

As a little treat, you might want to check out my old post about John's uninhibited singing....

*Such as in my Sunstone presentation on this topic--see SL04271, Real Goddesses Have Curves (and Identities)


Anonymous said...

"Sing for the teachers who told you that you couldn't sing"

I've never been to one of their concerts, but I hear they're a lot of fun. I wonder if people sing along when they perform this song.

jana said...

One of my biggest sadnesses about our Boston trip was that we missed seeing the Dresden Dolls. Amanda (the female half of the group) was playing at a venue on Friday night, but I left for New Hampshire on Friday afternoon. :(

Next time, I won't miss them! :)

jana said...

oh, and I suspect that when they perform this song in concert they sing the R-rated version (e.g. replace 'touch' with 'f--k'). They are definitely irreverent...(which is a HUGE part of the reason that I'd love to see them live!)

Anonymous said...

I am sort of enthralled just by her eyebrows and wonder whether they are painted or tattooed on.

jana said...

I _lurve_ her brows! I also am envious of her striped tights. If I had longer leaner legs I might just adopt that style...

daisies said...

oh so beautiful ~ thank you :) xox