

This is a snapshot of me, just after I finished my chemotherapy treatments. My hair was staring to grow back in and I still wasn't wearing a prosthetic leg very often. You can see that I'm starting to gain back some of my lost weight--I'm guessing that I'm probably up to nearly 90 lbs here.

In this pic I was panning for gold in a mountain stream with my family. It's one of the very few pictures that I have of myself in the post-chemo era.


Greg (Accessible Hunter) said...

Sometimes I like to be reminded of how far I have come in the rehabilitation process since my spinal cord injury in 1999.

It must feel good for you as well, I hope you have a great day!

SoCalSingleMama said...

Wow, thanks for sharing that picture. I don't think I would have recognized you, if I didn't already know it was you.

I love the 80s blue earrings! :-)

That must have been a very difficult time for you....I imagine you had to "grow up" much faster than other kids your age did, in order to deal with an experience that required so much maturity.

Anonymous said...

That is an awesome picture to have, and an even better one to share. Thank you.

There you are, not all better yet, but just getting on with it all, being a kid, out in the world.

Good, good, good. :)

jana said...

jg: I guess I did grow up faster in some ways and in some ways I became more childlike. For many months I was totally dependent on my parents for my care--even to needing their help to bathe, toilet, etc. Not what most 13 year-olds experience! At the same time, I was facing various physical challenges--pain, rehab, etc--and those made me more world-savvy than my peers.

And, yah, it's amazing to me that those 80s earrings are coming back in style already! (fwiw, I almost always wore earrings because otherwise I would be mistaken for a boy and that got really embarrassing when I was using a women's restroom...)

daisies said...

i think i have those earrings ... thank you so much for sharing this piece of you with us ... hugs!