
praise him

To the kind man who found my cellphone lying in a street in Santa Ana on Sunday evening:

Your call was a godsend. Thank you. And thank you for being in a park in Santa Ana tonight to feed the homeless with your Ministry Group. You are an example of all the good that the Spirit of Christ brings to this world. And I'm not just saying that because you returned my phone.

I do so wish that there were more people like you in this big wide world of ours.

My Best,


mfranti said...


Santa Ana? What park?

I was born and raised in that city I still dream of my childhood home--it's the only place i've ever lived that I "miss".

jana said...

It was a park that was a few blocks away from the main public library on Civic Center Dr. Not Birch park, but another nearby park. :)

My fondness for Santa Ana is growing, although it might be in the parts of the community that have changed since you lived there: the Artist's Colony, the Gypsy Den, and my Quaker Meetinghouse (read: a suite in a building that's across the street from the clocktower)

JohnR said...

It wasn't a park so much as the walkway adjacent to and south of the main branch of the Santa Ana Public Library.

I like downtown Santa Ana in the daytime, but walking around last night, the only white-looking guy wandering lost from park to park on poorly lit streets was a little unnerving. Clearly, I need to get out of my comfortable suburbia little more.

daisies said...

how wonderful :)

mfranti said...


growing up there 'til the ripe old age of 18 and then back to visit gremma, I was certainly aware of the dangers of being a white-ish looking mexican girl in the "hood".
especially after dark!

speaking of downtown, I used to ride the bus after school up to the civic center, grab a hot dog, walk around the main library and then catch a bus home (less than 3 miles away). if i remember correctly, it was a lovely library? (maybe I need some memory refresher)

I don't miss the sound of gunshots and sirens and very loud late night music from parties. (usually ending in gunshots followed by sirens)

i laugh when folks here in utah complain about "certain neighborhoods" they really have no clue.