

Because I use google reader, I rarely visit anyone's blogsite anymore. The upside of this is that I can read your updated blogs much more efficiently than before. The downside is that I miss all of your sidebar content and design changes. I also recently realized just how outdated my own sidebar was.

So this morning I've taken some time to update my links. I've added a bunch more of you to my "Friends" list and I've added a blogroll of "Daily Reads" so you can all see some of the blogs that I enjoy.

However, because I am fairly sloppy and unscientific about creating my blogroll, I have undoubtedly missed a few of you in the process. So if you don't see your site in my links, please don't be hurt. It means that either I just inadvertently missed it or I thought you might not want to be blogrolled (esp some of you who post a lot about your kids, I wasn't sure if you wanted your site advertised on my sidebar). Just drop me a line if you'd like to be added to my blogroll (phddillyATyahooDAWTcom)...

Ok, so please forgive any oversights on my part, and enjoy the linkity-links! :)


Anonymous said...

It's an honor to be listed. Cheers!

C. L. Hanson said...


I usually read through my google reader too, but I occasionally click through if I'm thinking of posting a comment. :D