
Make me smile...

Have been road trippin' for the past few days and now am settled in a cozy basement room with Aunt Suz's big mancat purring at my feet (and counting myself quite lucky!).

The adventures of the past few days are too numerous to recount here, but a few highlights:

-flash flooding throughout southern Utah. Mud. And rivers of water. And the heady heavy scent of rain in the desert.

-fresh peach pie (heavy on the fresh part), so good that it melted in my mouth

-giggling neices and nephews. Seeing GameBoy and CatGirl watching over their young cousins.

-the familiarity of Mom's new home, our old futon couch, and looking into a sibling's eyes and seeing so many years of shared experiences reflected back at me.

-taking pictures of the sunset over the mountains as we drove through Sardine Canyon. Loving the wind blowing in my face as I held the camera steady in the window.

-Clouds. The ever-changing splendor of the Cache Valley sky.


Brooke said...

You make me homesick for Logan. *sigh*

SoCalSingleMama said...

I was just about to say "You are making me homesick for Utah" but Brooke beat me to it!

Looking forward to my own road trip to the same state this weekend. I'll be spending time in the Provo and American Fork canyons before spending a day in SLC on Saturday.

jana said...

So you'll be at Sunstone on Saturday? Shall we plan on lunch?? :)

SoCalSingleMama said...

I will be. I'm planning on getting there between noon and 12:30 and I am staying through the evening banquet. I'd love to meet up for lunch, and I'm hoping to meet Bored in Vernal in real life, too.

Can we plan to meet up in the front area (where the registration table is)?

jana said...

Yes, let's meet for lunch! I'll let BiV know that you're interested in doing lunch, okay?

Hooray for meetups with friends! :)