
FMH gets BUST-ed

My husband John, commenting on the very positive article written about the blog Feminist Mormon Housewives in BUST magazine (fyi: BUST is a hip feminist magazine).

What John doesn't mention is that he was interviewed by the writer of the article (as were Caroline, Kaimi, and a few other friends), though only FMH bloggers and Margaret Toscano are quoted in the piece.


fMhLisa said...

She mentioned to me that she had enough material for a book-proposal. Wouldn't it be interesting if she wrote one?

If she doesn't you should do it Jana!

jana said...

Lisa: I'll certainly keep that idea in mind! But it may be that my spouse would do a better job of it than I would, anyways. :)

I'm Cute said...

Huh, I wonder if she avoided quoting men because they are men? And I also wonder if she'd give us her interview notes if one of us writes a book :)

I imagine Kaimi and John etc were exceedingly eloquent.