

from below, originally uploaded by pilgrimgirl.

This flower is a 'volunteer' in my garden--perhaps growing from some seeds that a friend shared with us 3 or 4 years ago. Now there's a big cluster of them growing in the center of my flower garden. Just lovely.

This afternoon our family attended a party at the home of some folks that I met while traveling in China two years ago What fun to see them and many of our other traveling companions again! They have a gorgeous garden, primarily composed of unknown plants that T dug up for other folks' gardens (with their permission, of course). He readily dug up a funky yellow flower and a cactus-y type plant that he's nicknamed 'the pickle' for me. I can't wait to get them in the ground in my own garden. And I love that every time I see them I will think of my good friends from China. :)

1 comment:

Karen Putz said...

What a beautiful flower!