
it's a shy one

poppy, originally uploaded by pilgrimgirl.

Picture: close-up of an orange flower

I found this flower, a poppy I believe, in my neighbor's garden. I just leaned over the fence and snapped this quick photo. It wasn't quite open all the way, perhaps because the sun wasn't shining today.


Brooke said...

Wow, this is probably my favorite one! And not just because I totally love orange. Perfect.

jana said...

I thought of you when I posted this one, figuring that you would be enchanted by the green & orange (the colors reminded me of your jellybean pix) :)

Oh, and there will be more 'oranges' coming soon....

Anonymous said...

I've told you about Louise Gluck's book of poetry, The Wild Iris? Here's one of my favorites from it:
(Please delete if you don't want this whole thing on your comment board!)

The Red Poppy

The great thing
is not having
a mind. Feelings:
oh, I have those; they
govern me. I have
a lord in heaven
called the sun, and open
for him, showing him
the fire of my own heart, fire
like his presence.
What could such glory be
if not a heart? Oh my brothers and sisters,
were you like me once, long ago,
before you were human? Did you
permit yourselves
to open once, who would never
open again? Because in truth
I am speaking now
the way you do. I speak
because I am shattered.