
granny goes to war

Are you all following Jane Stillwater's blog? Ragin' granny who eats peanut butter sandwiches for a year so she can afford a plane ticket to Baghdad. And she arrived a few days ago and she's embedded with some troops and now is eating like a queen. She's also making friends with many of the soldiers, listening to their stories. From yesterday's post:
These men are my boys. Hurt them and you have to go through me. Hear that, George Bush? These men aren't just action figure toys for you to play with. These are real, living human beings. Sincere. Serious about doing their jobs -- and doing them well. They deserve better than the blunders of GWB. They deserve respect. They've got mine.

It reminds me of the conversation I had with a friend at Meeting today. I think this might be the Friend who used to be the head of the CDC. If not, at least he's someone who has some connections. He asked me about my prosthetic leg, he told me about overseeing Walter Reed Medical Center in the post WWII years and how crappily veterans are being treated in this current war. We commiserated at the pointlessness of it all. The bodies being maimed in a war we shouldn't be fighting, at the instigation of a president who shouldn't have been elected. The horror....


Mark N. said...

Today's "Doonesbury" pretty much says everything that needs to be said so far as "supporting the troops" goes.

jana said...


Thanks for the heads up on the Doonesbury comic. Here's a link for anyone else who missed it:

jana said...

For those of you who are *still* interested in what Quakers like to wear, the Friend that I referred to in this post was wearing:
A bright red shirt
White pants
Bright red socks
Brown 2-strap Birk sandals
A Bright Red beret
white gloves

I suspect the gloves may be related to a health condition. It's certainly not because of chilly weather. :)

Oh, and because this friend has a snowy white beard, his outfit, if worn in December, might evoke a kind of Santa a la Paris. But in April I don't think I would've even noticed it if I hadn't been consciously thinking about people's clothes because of the continued discussion about it here on the blog.