

broccoli, originally uploaded by pilgrimgirl.

Flowers are even better when they're edible. :)

I've discovered that home-grown broccoli has a richer, nuttier flavor than broccoli bought from the store. Yum! :)


Anonymous said...

I have to admit I've never understood the term "nutty flavor" when describing any foods other than nuts. That term pops up all over the place. Back when we were experimenting with sprouting, some of the seeds were promised to produce sprouts with a "nutty flavor."

They just tasted like grass to me.

littlemissattitude said...

Good olives sometimes have a nutty flavor to them; that's what I like so much about them.

And broccoli...mmmmm, good. Had some for lunch today, as a matter of fact.

jana said...

I wonder if your sense of taste doesn't distinguish some of the more subtle flavors of foods. Do all green veggies taste like grass to you or can you, say, distinguish the flavors of different varieties of lettuce? Or can you tell a taste difference between store-bought and homegrown produce?