
she named it guacamole

Originally uploaded by pilgrimgirl.
A photo of Catgirl's favorite batray from her Catalina trip. She said that she and her friends named it guacamole.


SoCalSingleMama said...

That's a great picture! Do you have the under-water equipment for your digital camera? Or a disposable under-water camera? It turned out well.

jana said...

underwater disposable camera. $8 at Target. A super-good deal for a Catalina adventure :)

John White said...

I'm with journeygal, that's a -great- picture. I wouldn't even think to buy an underwater disposable. How do they waterproof the USB port? :-)

jana said...

okay, i guess I should add that we had to pay $10 in film processing to get said waterproof camera pics put onto a CD at our local fromex. Still a good deal compared to the cost of dunking a dig camera (right, dora-who-has-lost-many-a-dig-camera-in-the-water??)