
pardon my construction...

So the dust is settling 'round the frame of the new & improved pilgrimgirl blog. I'm most thrilled about the categories that I've set up in the sidebar. But now I've got to sort through hundreds of old posts and categorize them. That's going to take awhile. Whew.


John White said...

Oh, me too. But no apologies or hundreds of posts to add labels to. Or cool double-digit numbers of posts in a catagory.

jana said...

It's been really interesting to go back and categorize things. I didn't realize how preoccupied I am with certain topics and how uninterested I am in others...

amelia said...

how'd you manage to change? cause you and i had the same format before and i keep trying to change and they keep telling me that one or more of my blogs can't be changed. i thought maybe it was cause of the exponent blog, but you're on that, too. any secret insider info to share? :)

jana said...

You've got to sign off of X2 in order to make the change. At least, that's what I had to do because they can't seem to simultaneously change personal blogs and group blogs.

amelia said...

hmm. so i break the connection with x2? am i then re-added to that blog under a different identity (i'd like to start blogging there again; i've been meaning to email caroline about that to figure out where i can fit in the schedule)?

i'll try to figure it out. thanks.

jana said...

Yah, you'll have to resubscribe to blogger with a google account and then convert your blog to the new format. It takes about 45 min from start to finish, I'd say.

Then get added back to X2 by someone (like John or Caroline) who has admin powers.