
John in white jeans

This was one of the candid pictures from our engagement photo shoot.
What makes this photo even more interesting is that John is wearing my white jeans (because he didn't have his own pair)


SoCalSingleMama said...

Lol. :-) Ryan and I agreed that John's tendency for slight goofiness is quite endearing.

I still have a beloved pair of white jeans from about 1996.....

jana said...

A confession:
In about 1999 I bought a pair of white jeans that I have just loved. I still wear them fairly often in the summertime. The weird thing is, I still consider them to be "new." It just occurred to me a few months ago that they are now in the 'fairly worn in' category of clothing.

I know that I'm pretty fashion clueless. I was told, when I started my History PhD, that the further along I got in my program, the more my fashion sense would slide. I think it's really true

Gray said...

What a romantic photo!