
if this is you...

If you spent six hours in the community garden this morning, working alongside your neighbors to clear out empty plots, to trim large trees, and filling a semi-truck-sized dumpster within 2 hours. Then you took some time to just sit and talk with your garden--feeling sad that the frost did much damage, seeing how much work needs to be done before spring planting, realizing that momotaro (peach tree #2) didn't make it. And then you got slightly sunburned (such a sunny day!) and you returned home with leaves in your hair, burrs in your socks, and mud on your pants.

So if this is you, you should pick a bouquet of lavender and put it on your nightstand--filling your bedroom with its relaxing scent, then take a warm shower and wash the organic matter out of your hair, put on your new favorite wool sweater and curl up on the bed with Ellycat (who can't resist cuddling with a wool sweater) and take a short nap.

1 comment:

alisonwonderland said...

hope you had a wonderful nap! (i love your "if this is you" posts.)