Bidding farewell to most of my leg today as I upgrade the socket, cosmesis, stockings, and so forth. A pilgrimgirl first: a photo essay tribute to a well-traveled limb.
As I put this together I asked myself why I wanted to take pictures of my leg, why this was important to me. And I realized how much I wish I had similar photos of my real leg before it was amputated. To help me remember.
my dad is a prosthetist, but even so, I'm completely unversed in what all but the first shot are pictures of.
Your thoughts made me pause to think "What don't I have pictures of that I would regret not having pictures of if I lost it?" Don't have an answer, but thanks for the message. ~Julia
I was trying to be artful about showing my leg. I sort of meant for the pictures to be somewhat ambiguous. But if you mouse over them the titles of the images will give you some idea of what you're looking at :)
my dad is a prosthetist, but even so, I'm completely unversed in what all but the first shot are pictures of.
Your thoughts made me pause to think "What don't I have pictures of that I would regret not having pictures of if I lost it?" Don't have an answer, but thanks for the message.
I was trying to be artful about showing my leg. I sort of meant for the pictures to be somewhat ambiguous. But if you mouse over them the titles of the images will give you some idea of what you're looking at :)
BTW, nice to see you on my blog!
Jana - I really enjoyed these pictures. I hope your new leg fits better and you are very, very comfortable!
Jana - I really enjoyed these pictures. I hope your new leg fits better and you are very, very comfortable!
Jana - I really enjoyed these pictures. I hope your new leg fits better and you are very, very comfortable!
Jana - I really enjoyed these pictures. I hope your new leg fits better and you are very, very comfortable!
Beautiful photos!
I just found your blog through your comments at the DisStudies, Temple U blog. Yay! Another person to add to my disability blogroll!
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