
sock dreams

Am I the only one who swoons when cashmere, angora and thigh-high are mentioned in the same sentence?

Not to mention the satin, mohair, and chenille...

[Can you tell I'm sitting in my sister's chilly basement, wishing for something to keep my toesies toasty?]


Dora said...

One of my favorite articles of clothing is my scarlet pashmina. I know, it sounds sooooo last season. However, be that as it is, said pashmina satisfies my desire for vibrant color, and cloaks me in delectably soft and lightweight warmth. It can be a scarf, a pillow, a shawl or a blanket.

And yes, cashmere makes me swoon. I've occassionally contemplated leaving So Cal for a colder climate just so that I could revel more fully in cashmere decadence.

Other tactile sensualities ... going to the fabric store and running my arms through sumptuous lengths of silks and chiffons.

jana said...

Geez Derek, not sure how to answer that question! If she likes them and you can tolerate them, then why not?? :)