
what i learned from city council

[Note: coming soon will be a picture of E w/our local mayor--as soon as I find the cardreader for my dig camera]
--you're supposed to wear black to City Council meetings. Black suits. with a button down shirt for men and pastel blouse for women (unless you're Christina Shea, then you wear a pale green suit). me, I was really glad I had changed out of my jeans and t-shirt and was at least wearing the requisite black pants.
--not saying the pledge of allegiance feels weirder there.
--the mayor has her own on-call photographer to take PR shots w/schoolchildren being recognized at the beginning of the meeting
--when E is in front of a large audience, she completely freezes...with a cute, rather lopsided grin on her face
--E's award-winning drawing wasn't her most artistic creation. rather, it fit the event theme better than other submissions--a lesson E learned well in the PTA Reflections contest, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

me!!! :)