
under where?

This is what I'd be buying John for his birthday if he didn't already have a drawer full of underdrawers already. Because every _real_ man needs to express his feminist leanings on his skivvies, right?

BTW, ya'll can stop by MOF on Friday to wish the old man a Happy Thirty-Five!!


Anonymous said...

A real man and parent will be visibly ecstatic whatever you get him, but internally may be slightly less enthusiastic. One year my wife packed my birthday shirt and tie in a Victoria's Secret box, but that might be a poor match with the Feminist Morman message.

Yet my first reaction when I saw your post was that I am glad that my wife doesn't hint about the contents of my own drawers on the web!

Anonymous said...

It's very clear that you are getting off easily when you put it in that context.

Happy Birthday!