
we'll dance in the garden in torn sheets, in the rain...

Confession: I love rain. Some favorites....
--opening the windows, letting the smell permeate the whole house.
--listening from the inside with a fire and warm socks.
--walking through Secret Garden w/o umbrella or hood.
--a downpour in Cheltenham Spa after a scrumptious vegetarian meal. Annoying fancy hoteliers when us crazy Americans re-enter their flagship hotel dripping water onto the marble floors.
--at night, in the dark, sitting on the porchstep in my PJs and watching the patterns of rain falling in the light from streetlamps.
--visiting the Japanese Garden as it drizzles.
--going up to the foothills in SLC, seeing the lighting dance across the valley floor.
--funerals & cemetaries.
--sending EllyCat into the downpour. Seeing how long it takes before she heads back inside.

And on days when I don't have any rain, I stand under the shower spray, close my eyes and just imagine that it's raining for a few moments. It's not a perfect substitute, but it satiates me till the next time the rain falls.

1 comment:

John White said...

Excerpted from my Top Ten Favorite Sounds or Smells

The fresh smell and quiet sound of snowfall at night
The smell of a frosty morning and the sound of the first bird-song
The pitter-patter of a light rain and the smell of wet earth