
The Ring

Had another long visit to the prosthetist today. Got a new socket and new skin. Cool.

But the visit took 5 hours and I had the kids in tow so we brought a movie to watch on my laptop [yes, junebug*, you are amazing]. We watched the really long geek version of The Return of the King. And it took the _whole_ time. My finished leg was brought in for trying on just after Gollum fell to his doom. Great timing!

But what's hard about watching a movie like that on a Friday morning is that afterwards you have to return to Real Life. You get home from your appointment and there are emails to answer, dishes to wash, piles of paper that need sorting...

But Frodo just altered the fate of the universe. And Gandalf is alive. And Sam is the coolest best friend ever. And life just can't resume as if that didn't just happen!!
*FYI, junebug is my beloved Inspiron 700m

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, new skin! Very, very cool. Does it match the other leg? I hope it all fits well. Sounds like you kids did a great job over a long apointment.
