Originally uploaded by pilgrimgirl.
On Saturday Caroline and I got up at 6:30 to go canoeing. That was 6:30 a.m. CT time, which meant 3:30 CA time (yawn!). When we got down to the lake we realized that the canoes were not conveniently located by our cabins, but were across the lake from us.
After a few hesitant moments, we headed off at a trot around the lake. What made it all more interesting was that I had forgotten my coat (left it on the floor of my bedroom back home) and it was COLD! I also hadn't worn my leg (didn't want to get the computerized knee wet), so I was on crutches. To my surprise the 1/2 mi hike around the lake goes pretty fast when you are freezing and it is 3 a.m. and you haven't eaten and you are wearing a coat that you kifed from your still-sleeping bunkmate.
The paddling turned out to be delightful. All the more so because we were accompanied by one of the well-known founding mothers of ExII. What fun to get to know her better!
By the time I had crutched to the boathouse and back and paddled for half an hour, my arms were about ready to fall off. After a hasty breakfast I headed back to bed for an hour...
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