
white light

honeybright, originally uploaded by pilgrimgirl.

Picture: Row of three white honeysickle blossoms against a backdrop of blue sky.

I love this way this photo turned out. It was a tough one to take--it was really hot outside and bees were annoyed that I was disturbing them as I traipsed around in the honeysuckle vines. The smell of these flowers was so strong that it was impossible to resist sampling a few. The taste of honeysuckle always brings me back to those days in Oklahoma when we would run around the neighborhood in packs and sip on honeysuckle nectar until the ground was thick with spent blossoms.

Note: Can you find the 'hidden' bugs in this pic? :) Click on the photo and it will take you to flickr. Then click on "All Sizes" and look at the photo in the largest possible view. You migh just be surprised at what you see...


Anonymous said...

Hi Jana, I don't post here very often, but I read often. I just had to thank you for the honeysuckle picture. I grew up in Oklahoma as well and used to enjoy eating honeysuckle and smelling them in the humid air. When I get homesick, I take a whiff of some honeysuckle lotion I found.

Anonymous said...

I can't tell what kind of bugs those are -- aphids? do you need to get some ladybugs in? -- but I loved looking at this all blown up. The light coming through the white petals is delicious, as was seeing every vein and hair.

jana said...

There are aphids all over the place and a big ole ant walking on the stem in the shadow.

I saw the cutest ladybug two days ago but I didn't have my camera with me. bummer. I definitely need more of them--I tend to get some pretty vigorous crowds of aphids. Problem is, that I find aphids pretty charming creatures in and of themselves. :)

I just planted my cucumbers (not too far from the honeysuckle--just around the corner of the fence) and I'm noticed that cukes tend to attract lots of ladybugs. Perhaps that will help with the aphid explosion...