
Sugar Foot

While we were eating at Bullock's BBQ in Durham, North Carolina, our waitress (Mary Sue) called my daughter "Shugah Foot."

She called me "Sweetie Pie" and didn't bat an eyelash when I requested a veggie burger instead of their world-famous vinegar-style pork barbeque. Though I eschewed the pig meat, I indulged heartily in hush puppies and buttery-rich peach cobbler. Yum :)


Gray said...

Wow, I know that place too. BBQ truly means something different in North Carolina. The Triangle has a unique blended flavor of the tradional, the old, the new, and the cosmopolitan than one might think- Not many people there would find either a veggie burger or grits with red eye gravy unusual.

Your posts are bend my thoughts back to my years as a grad student at UNC. Makes me want to be a student again.

Anonymous said...

it was SWEET FEET, not sugar foot.

jana said...

ACK, sorry E. I guess my memory isn't what it used to be :)

Joy said...

NC Bbq is kind of an acquired taste...but sometimes I dig it. Sometimes, not so much.

Joy said...

However, Utz's North Carolina bbq potato chips are maybe the best bbq chips ever