
Things that don't inspire me to work out at the gym:

1) The bowling tournament that is showing on the TV above my exercycle.

2) The girl with the bandana and the braids who is at the nautilis machine next to me and is listening to her ipod and singing along as if she were in the shower by herself. Her eyes are closed so she can't see that we're all staring at her.

3) MTV on the bigscreen. Some girls have just taken the blacklight to a guy's bedsheets (Euuwwww....)

4) Bryan Adams' "Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman" being played over the ARC's soundsystem.

5) The way the three firemen (wearing their cute matching OC firefighter tees and shorts)on the last row of the treadmills are all looking at the butts of the girls on the stairsteppers in front of them.

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