
the meeting

GameBoy and Brian Jacques., originally uploaded by mind on fire.

A pic of GameBoy with Brian Jacques, the author of the Redwall series of books.

What a joy it is for us to attend booksignings and for our kids to be inspired by the writers of their most beloved stories! Brian Jacques did not disappoint--a salty old Brit, his storytelling had the whole plaza outside the bookshoppe reverberating as he yelled the battle cry, "Eulalia."


Anonymous said...

Interesting. I've corresponded a few times with Gary Chalk through my involvement with Project Aon. I understand that he illustrated some of the Redwall series, though I've never taken the time to figure out what the series is all about. Is it good? ;)

jana said...

The Redwall books are highly entertaining, although I wouldn't necessarily call them great literature. They have great local color, lots of vivid details, clever writing, etc. They appeal primarily to boys in about 4th-8th grades.

There was a Redwall cartoon on PBS for awhile. If you can track it down you could watch it and get an idea of the books from it--the major characters, etc. The cartoon is aimed at a slightly younger audience and seems to appeal to both girls and boys (I'm basing that on purely anecdotal evidence).

Anonymous said...

Did Brian mention anything regarding his forthcoming 2008 works?

jana said...

He didn't mention his forthcoming books and I didn't think to ask--sorry!