
feeling rosy

IMG_3671, originally uploaded by pilgrimgirl.

Do you ever have a day where things are just rosy? Well that's been my day (and it's not over yet!!).

Lots of fun conversations with old and new friends, especially feeling the familiarity of Salt Lake City (a place that as home to us for several years). Breathing deeply and just letting it all wash over me. :)

On another note: as I sat in a writing workshop this morning I realized just how much my laptop has become an extension of myself. When I sit with it on my lap I seem much more able to interface with my world. I was a bit troubled by that realization--took it out and examined it for a moment. Wondered if I was missing out on some intimacy by always needing to have my computer (and wireless!) at hand. I may have to experiment with disconnecting myself sometime. But not now (hmmm....do I sound addicted or what?). In some ways I feel as if junebug (my affectionate name for my laptop) has become a kind of prosthetic extension of my self. This blog, too, is a part of that. A way of creating myself through images and text that is wholly me at the same time that it is wholly separate from me....

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