

Harvard-bound, 1990
Originally uploaded by pilgrimgirl.
John and I in the doorway to my Hobbiton dorm room, circa Winter 1990.


Anonymous said...

That is totally my favorite John Hughes movie.

SoCalSingleMama said...

LOL - anyone remember Zach from Saved by the Bell? That is SO his haircut (but darker, of course) on John in that picture!!!

JohnR said...

Isn't that the same doorway of the infamous "bra incident"?

John White said...


jana said...

Ok, here's the story:
So when we were first dating, John seemed not to know his own strength. When he hugged me after a date, it was no delicate little embrace, but was a more of a back-cracking squeeze. I think this had something to do with his naivete (he hadn't dated much) and his boundless enthusiasm.

So one day we were standing in my doorway and he was giving me one of these python hugs and he squeezed so tight that the front clasp on my bra broke. From John's perspective, this was kinda scary--all of a sudden he felt this huge pop and release. He leapt back, scared that he'd broken something. Well he had, but nothing too serious. :)